Patent Number    Patent Title
6,321,381 Method for improved parental control of television use
6,173,269 Method for executing commercial transactions with minors
6,118,744 Parental blocking system in a DVD integrated entertainment system
6,072,520 System for improved parental control of television use
6,065,056 System to control content and prohibit certain interactive attempts by a person using a personal computer
6,025,869 Video viewing supervision system
6,009,433 Information storage and transmission media with parental control
5,978,920 Computer system having a function for intercepting lewd/violent programs and method for controlling access of such lewd/violent programs
5,949,471 Method for improved parental control of television use
5,914,472 Credit card spending authorization control system
5,835,722 System to control content and prohibit certain interactive attempts by a person using a personal computer
5,813,010 Information storage and transmission media with parental control
5,731,763 Video/TV access controller
5,715,014 Circuit for providing parental discretionary control on PIP IC
5,691,972 Multimedia optical disc which conforms to the motion picture rating systems in a variety of countries and a reproducing device for said disc
5,619,251 Two-way CATV system and remote control system
5,598,276 System and method for controlling play of multiple versions of the same motion picture stored on an optical disk
5,574,567 System and method for controlling play of multiple versions of the same motion picture stored on an optical disk
5,550,575 Viewer discretion television program control system
5,548,345 Video viewing censoring supervision system
5,485,518 Electronic media program recognition and choice
AU7675294 Apparatus and method for total parental control of television use
AU698374 Information holding/transmitting medium employing parental control
AU6651301 Parental control
AU5288096 Information holding/transmitting medium employing parental control
AU3064399 Method for parental control using V-chip plus+ and master password
AU1722501 Method of setting parental lock levels based on example content
CA2337468 Interactive television program guide system having multiple devices within a household
CA2337464 Interactive television program guide system that serves as a portal
CA2321914 Method for parental control using V-chip plus+ and master password
CA2192080 Information storage and information transmission media with parental control
CN1299558T Method for parental control using V-chip plus + and master password
CN1164924 Multimedia optical disk for easily realizing branch reproduction to parental lock section with little amount of control information and rep
CN1154175 Information holding/transmitting medium employing parental control
EP1252559 Method of setting parental lock levels based on example content
EP1251514 Dvd navigator and application programming interfaces
EP1213919 Interactive television program guide system having multiple devices within a household
EP1186172 User interface with parental control for video on demand system
EP1134972 Parental control and monitoring system and method
EP1066721 Method for parental control using V-chip plus+ and master password
EP0967799 System and method for controlling play of multiple versions of same motion picture stored on optical disk
EP0801384 Information storage and transmission media with parental control
EP0788105 Multimedia optical disk for easily realizing branch reproduction to parental lock section with a little amount of control information
EP0737974 Information storage and transmission media with parental control
EP0639030 Two-way catv system and remote control system
FR2822620 Television viewing parental control process having binary indicator display showing viewing period with user selected values
GB2366888 Restricting data access to data in data processing systems
GB2362546 Mobile phone handset with parental control
GR3031593T Information storage and transmission media with parental control
HK1014398 Method for reproduction of information with parental control
JP9219085 Information storage and transmission media with parental control
JP8339664 Information holding and transfer medium adopting parental control
JP8203246 Information provision control apparatus and parental control method
JP63050184 Parental locking method for tv receiving set
JP10143981 Large capacity disk device having parental level revisional function
JP10108037 Parental lock function control system
JP10069755 Information holding/information transmitting medium adopted parental control
KR9007040 Locking device for video tape recorder
KR262804 Information storage and transmission media with parental control
KR246379 Method for controlling the change of parental level in a DVD reproducer
KR2000060515 Parental control apparatus of image signal
TW468343 Interactive television program guide system that serves as a portal
TW463158 Multimedia optical disc facilitating branch reproduction to parental lock sections using reduced control information and a reproducing device
TW425544 Information storage and transmission media with parental control
TW424238 Multimedia optical disc facilitating branch reproduction to parental lock sections using reduced control information and a reproducing device
TW420936 Interactive television program guide system having multiple devices within a household