Patent Number    Patent Title
6,148,142 Multi-user, on-demand video server system including independent, concurrently operating remote data retrieval controllers
6,088,722 Scheduling broadcast of and access to video programs using customer profiles
6,064,379 Synchronizing presentation of media stream playlists with real time
6,023,720 Simultaneous processing of read and write requests using optimized storage partitions for read and write request deadlines
6,020,883 Scheduling broadcast of and access to video programs using customer profiles
5,974,217 Information transmission system having a reduced number of stored programs and recording media playback drives
5,936,659 Method for video delivery using pyramid broadcasting
5,935,206 Automatic replication of digital video as needed for video-on-demand
5,916,303 Optimal movie distribution on video servers in an n-level interactive television system
5,909,638 High speed video distribution and manufacturing system
5,899,582 Movie-on-demand disk storage loop architecture
5,898,456 Communication system with hierarchical server structure
5,894,320 Multi-channel television system with viewer-selectable video and audio
5,870,553 On-demand video serving from magnetic tape using disk leader files
5,852,705 Guaranteeing average case disk transfer bandwidth and seek time for a video server
5,809,239 Load balancing in servers by allocating buffer to streams with successively larger buffer requirements until the buffer requirements of a stream can not be satisfied
5,808,662 Synchronized, interactive playback of movies across a network
5,781,734 Providing audio and video services on demand
5,758,257 Scheduling broadcast of and access to video programs using customer profiles
5,758,151 Serial data storage for multiple access demand
5,754,773 Multimedia on-demand server having different transfer rates
5,721,823 Digital layout method suitable for near video on demand system
5,721,803 Information transmission system having a reduced number of stored programs and recording media playback devices
5,720,037 Multimedia on-demand server
5,671,386 Storing data and for providing simultaneous plural access to data by connecting each access channel to each and every one of storage arrays
5,659,351 Switch and insertion networks in optical cable television system
5,646,676 Scalable interactive multimedia server for providing on demand data
5,636,139 Information service control point which retreives information as blocks of data
5,629,732 Viewer controllable on-demand multimedia service
5,604,682 Information service control point which retrieves information as blocks of data and outputs the retrieved data via a communications link
5,581,479 Information service control point, which uses different types of storage devices, which retrieves information as blocks of data, and which uses a trunk processor for transmitting information
5,544,327 Load balancing in video-on-demand servers by allocating buffer to streams with successively larger buffer requirements until the buffer requirements of a stream can not be satisfied
5,539,660 Multi-channel common-pool distributed data storage and retrieval
5,530,557 Online placement of video files determined by a function of the bandwidth to space ratio of each of the storage devices in a server environment
5,521,630 Frame sampling scheme for video scanning in video-on-demand
5,519,435 Multi-user, on-demand video storage and retrieval system including video signature computation for preventing excessive instantaneous server data rate
5,517,257 Video control user interface for interactive television systems and method for controlling display of a video movie
5,512,934 Transmission of video programming on demand
5,442,389 Program server for interactive television system
4,949,187 Video communications system having a remotely controlled central source of video and audio data